Thursday, August 18, 2011

Walking Rage

Dear Hong Kong,

Mongkok is hot, Mongkok is crowded, and I might just have to push stupid people into the road if they keep getting in my way!!!!!!! Yes my friends, I have contracted a serious case of walking rage. Similar to the road strain of the same social virus, walking rage involves swearing at the backs of peoples heads, using your purse like a battering ram, and lots of passive-aggressive sighing. Symptoms are only exacerbated by long working hours, consuming enormous cups of coffee, and long commutes. So yes my darlings, if I see you on the street, I still adore you, but please walk at my pace or get the heck out of the way! I will still teach you English, but first I need to get to my office and you are not helping by getting in the way.

Hugs and Kisses,

1 comment:

Gina said...

I can see you walking this way.