Friday, February 24, 2006

So here is the run-down on what I've ben doing in this past week and a half since I've last updated. I have completly succeded in completly humilating myself infront of several groups of strangers when going to my Statistics class. I thought that I had woken up about 10 minutes before class started, so I was in a huge rush going out the door. I first went into the right building, but the wrong floor. So I put my hand on the doorknob to open it, then realized it wasn't my classroom. Then I went upstairs to the right classroom and just rushed in because I thought that I was late. When I turned around, I was looking at some strange professor, who was most definatly not my professor. I started to argue with him insisting that my class was in this room, and he must be in the wrong place. Then I caught a glimpse of the clock over his shoulder- I was an hour early. My face turned bright red, and I bolted from the room. Later, Christian, an exchange student, told me that he was sitting in that class when I came in. He also said that it was the funniest thing that he has seen in days.......great.......So when I actually got to class I was a little stressed, and tired from a quick nap. I honestly tried my best to stay awake, but I lost that battle. I must have only snoozed for like 5 minutes, but when I woke up, Dr. Law was starting right at me. Then he said, "its time for a break, some of you look like you need a break. For the second time that day, I turned bright red and wanted to run. But then this professor always gets a huge kick out of picking on me. So as soon as that class was over, I was outta there! You could see the dust cloud from where I ran.

Later that week was the AIESEC Cultural Party, which was a ton of fun, so that made up for my horribly embarassing day. AIESEC is an international organziation of students that promotes peace, understanding, and an end to conflict. You know, peace-loving, tree-hugging hippies- my kind of people. They hosted this cultural party so people from different countries could get together and make friends. Helen was my group leader, which was pretty awesome. I adore Helen- she is one of the funniest locals I know. We were split into smaller groups, and I was the only Westerner in my group. I met some locals, and people from the mainland. One of the guys in my group insisted I call him Tiger- I learned later that all the mainland girls are in love with him, but I just don't see it. We had to run around campus in our groups playing teamwork/mind games. Our group came in second, but it was so much fun that it didn't matter. We had a Pun Choi dinner in the canteen after the games. Pun Choi is a huge bowl of food with all types of meat and vegetables in it that everyone shares. Its got everything in it, from chicken to prawns to lotus. I really like Pu Choi dinner, but its hard to find here. There is also some legend behind it, but no one told me. During dinner we had to sit through some presentations a.ka. shameless promoting of AIESEC. They were entertaining. I also got the whole group to sing Happy Birthday to Christine. It was fantastic. After dinner we played one more game which was like an eating/drinking contest. It was fun, but I made myself a little sick because I had to eat half a can of Pringles in a minute. All in all it was a great time. The AIESEC kids have been wonderful to us.

A couple of nights later, a group of exchangers headed out to a karaoke club. The building we went to, 16 floors tall, had a karaoke club on every floor! Asians really love to sing off-pitch to songs they love. We were invited to a members only club by the manager Tim, who wanted to show us that he could "party" with Americans. He sang a couple of songs with us, and had beers with some of the other exchange girls. He taught me a pretty cool fan trick, which I can still do. But after that, the next time I saw him, he was passed out one of the couches, dead drunk. I asked one of our waitresses what happened, and she told me that Tim likes to show-off to foreigners by getting really drunk every time they come in. Manchi, the waitress begged me to take some pictures of him, and email them to her, and I was more than happy to oblige. Who doesn't get a kick out making fun of their boss? We sang a bunch of great songs too, and the other people in the club loved us. We got cheers and standing ovations every time. I think that the highlight of the evening was when all of us got us for "Ain't No Mountain High Enough", complete with some of the girls acting as background dancers. It was so much fun! I think that I might have to go back there, or to at least another karaoke club. Did I mention that the name of the club is the Joy Luck Club!

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