Wednesday, November 30, 2005

They've sucked me in!

So I swore that this would never happen, me getting a blog-thingy and putting my whole life on the internet. Yet after two days, I find it horribly addicting, and I can't seem to stop playing around with things that I can do with this, like change the colors of my dots. Actually, its more like I'm picking out the colors and Tab is doing all the coding, because I can code things like Tab can! (I'm getting excited about changing the dots, because I want it to be pretty and me, and not some pre-fixed template) I blame my suitemates for this, because they all have one, and peer pressure is fairly hard to resist. Espcially with these girls. Just try living here and not having anything on the internet and see how you do! Plus, its a great way to procrastinate! So I might have to keep this up, even though I'm using my trip to China as an excuse to start, but this is like a drug.


Anonymous said...

mmmm goldfish -- want some?

I just feel like making comments for no actual purpose. Is that allowed?

Anonymous said...

Dear Becca,
I only plan on helping you out with your blog if you don't call me Tabs. Tab is a great alternative, AND IT'S LESS TYPING.


[PS, you are getting comments like whoa.]