Heidi convinced me to come out on my second day, on an attempt to normalize myself, and to meet on of her Aussie friends who was visiting. In addition to eating the fabulous egg tarts in Tai Po, (jealous Mom?), and seeing her great folks, we got to catch up on all those moments that we missed; those moments where you wish your friend was right over your shoulder so you can look at them, and make some joke that only the two of you would understand. We had plenty of those moments that day, and plenty more to come soon enough.
A couple of days later, Harina brought dinner over that she and her mother had made for me, which was the sunshine of my day. How often do people cook for you and then bring it to your place? Thanks Harina! We ate delicious Pakistani food and had Heidi and Ben over. I really need to learn how to cook that fried bread and the curry she made for me. I love curry!
The past few days I've mostly spent with Erin, running around our old haunts like Fu Tai, Gold Coast, and the little communities near town center, earning looks from people that seem to shout "What are you doing here? Are you lost?" Which also culminates in a strange look of respect at points when they see that I clearly know where I am going, and that I am not a overwhelmed tourist. Those are some choice ones, where you really feel at home in a strange place, despite not speaking the language and being functionally illiterate.
A big CONGRATULATIONS is also due my fantastic older sister Emily, who was just admitted to grad school at Johns Hopkins!!!!! She's worked so hard for this and she really deserved it. I am so proud of you Emmy! She's going to kick quite a lot of academic ass. Seriously folk, she's that awesome, and she is going to do amazing things.
What a welcome back to Hong Kong......