This is what the sky outside my living room window looks like right now. Add in great rolling peals of thunder and flashes of lightening, and you have one of those days where you don't really go outside, unless you want to get soaked through and through, and/or struck by lightening Oh, another fun fact- this picture was taken at 11ish today, so this might be an all-day storm front. do have plenty of hot coco, so the angry grey Hong Kong skies will be admired from the inside today.
Aside from the stormy weather, the start of the year seems to be picking up with a bang. All 5 of the new tutors are here, and settling in quite nicely. So far, they all seem to be really sweet and fun people, so this year should go pretty smoothly. After all the administrative drama last year, this seems like a go-with-the-flow kind of group, which will make everyone's life easier. I believe that I will be helping out with the Asian Voices in English class, and one other literature class, which means I will get mostly second and third year students. This year looks like its shaping up pretty nicely, and once the heat dies down a little bit, things will be at right about perfect!
So I suppose you all are dying to hear about Europe? In short, it was fantastic! I got to experience my students growing into adulthood and watching their individual personalities flourish! I also go to pack in quite a lot of traveling time, and I feel like I got a lot done for my first trip to Europe. I also can't wait to go back sometime! After all the grand adventures, my best friend from the states, Vira, came for a nice long 3-week visit to HK, where I got to show off my city, and show off my friend. I think that the highlight of that visit was the dolphin-watching trip, because I finally got to see the elusive Chinese dolphin, and they are so pink!!! That is the shortest version of my summer, but that's how it goes sometimes. Now on to prep work, finishing a baby blanket, and rocking out!