Aiya! 5 months have passed by without one post on either of my blogs! People must think that I have fallen off the edge of the planet..........but I haven't. I'll go stand in the corner and hang my head in shame if that will make you feel better?
Lack of posting is due to several factors in my life, including, but not limited to:
- Flexible work schedule that has me running all over this S.A.R. that I call home
- Insufficient amount of pictures to do knitting projects justice
- Earning online certificate for TEFL
- will suck you in and never let you go.
But seriously folks, I have been slacking off in the online posting department, and I'm going to remedy that by re-instituting my Sunday rule; Sunday evenings are for getting caught up with emails and blogging, and other such correspondence. Things work out much better for me if I schedule them into my calender and have a chunk of time blocked off for any activity. I'm also the person that needs to have everything written down, otherwise I probably won't remember. So, starting tomorrow night, things should start to become more regular in the blogging universe for me and for all that read this. Until then, my dearest readers!